A good three quarter rear view of Alb. C.III 140/16. It was form the production serial batch 100-199/16. As the worthy Peter M. Grosz stated in the Windsock Alb.C.III Datafile, machines from this batch could be either an Albatros or an OAW build. Crew and unit as well as the location depicted here are unknown to me. At last i have to thank Mr. Dan San Abbott who helped me clarify the aircraft type last summer.
4 Kommentare:
Hi Kilian,
This looks like the same machine presented in part II, perhaps they took my request and moved away from the front. What are the chances that this is the same machine? Did you acquire the fotos at the same time? From the same source?
Best Regards, FOKKERJ
The sun is in the right place and it looks like the same happy group as in part II!
Hi Jay,
Yes i thought it could be the same machine but i couldnt find the same people. Maybe i should check again with a larger scan.
Hi Kilian,
have a look at the second guy from the right in the front view and compare him with the guy under the prop - might be the same.
Also look at three a/c from the same batch on pages 4 and 5 of DF 13.
147, 155 and 165 - different finish, crosses and position and style of serials.
Nice photos
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